Kom in contact
The Corner Office
Kortrijksesteenweg 123
9830 Sint-Martens-Latem
+32 (0)476 33 94 00

The Corner Office
- Actief sinds 2018
- 3 - 5 medewerkers
"The corner office is by far the most coveted spot in any office building. It is generally reserved exclusively to what is termed the ‘C-suite’, a company’s most senior executives with ‘Chief’ in front of their job title. All over the corporate world, the corner office is a symbol of professional success, accomplishment and aspiration." And that is what we’re all about!
We welcome you to our Corner Office. At the Corner Office we are passionate about what we do, proud of how we do it, and through solid leadership and a pragmatic approach we provide added-value to your business or career, day-after-day.
The Corner Office is a boutique executive search firm specialising in headhunting and interim management for key and leadership positions in both local and international companies.
Our approach is tailored to each individual client to leverage the leadership positions within your company.